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by Mike Pondsmith
CPR - Corebook - Cyberpunk Red
Writing and Design by Mike Pondsmith, James Hutt, Cody Pondsmith, Jay Parker, J Gray, David Ackerman, and Jaye Kovach Based on Material Originally Created by David Ackerman, Matt Anacleto, Mike Blum, Edward Bolme, Colin Fisk, Dave Friedland, Bruce Harlick, Scott Hedrick, Michael LaBossiere, Mike MacDonald, Will Moss, Lisa Pondsmith, Mike Pondsmith, Derek Quintanar, Mike Roter, Scott Ruggels, Craig Sheeley, Mark Schumann, Ross Winn, Benjamin Wright, and the many writers who worked on the Cyberpunk line in the past. Beat Chart Concepts Contributed by Flint Dille Lyrics for Black Dog and Never...